

How to troubleshoot TSDProxy


  1. Verify your tsdproxy.yaml file. Configuration files are Case sensitive. Verify your files

Docker provider

  1. Verify if you added the label with tsdproxy.enable=true
  2. Force use of the port adding tsdproxy.container_port=xxx to the container
  3. If your container is using https add tsdproxy.scheme=“https” to your container
  4. If case of self certificates also add tsdproxy.tlsvalidate=false
  5. Check if your firewall isn’t blocking the traffic
  6. Add your container to the same TSDProxy docker network
  7. Disable autodetection with tsdproxy.autodetect=“false” in your container
  8. Verify if your case isn’t in the next Common errors
  9. Still having problems? Send a Bug report

Proxies List provider

  1. Configuration files are case sensitive. Verify your files

Common Errors

http: proxy error: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate

The actual error is a TLS error. The most common cause is that the target has a self-signed certificate.

tsdproxy.enable: true
tsdproxy.scheme: https
tsdproxy.tlsvalidate: false

http: proxy error: dial tcp i/o timeout

This error is caused by the target not being reachable. It’s a network error.

Cause: Firewall

Most likely the firewall is blocking the traffic. If using UFW, execute this command:

sudo ufw allow in from

Cause: Failed docker autodetection

Try to disable autodetection and define the port:

  tsdproxy.enable: "true"
  tsdproxy.autodetect: "false"
  tsdproxy.container_port: 8001

Funnel doesn’t work

Cause: Funnel not enabled

Visit to enable Funnel in ACL

Cause: Using tags with Funnel

If using tags, edit the attribute to include your tag(s), e.g.:

"nodeAttrs": [
  "target": ["autogroup:member", "tag:server"],
  "attr":   ["funnel"],
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